Batman Fortnite Update Release dates, Fornite #3 2nd Print has been delayed to June 23rd

Here is an update for all the Batman Fortnite Zero Point Pre-orders:
Please Note Batman Fortnite Zero Point #3 2nd Print has been delayed by DC Comics to a new release date of June 23rd.
Alos Please Note: If multiple issues of Batman Fortnite were preordered (For Example if your ordered #1 - 6 inclusive) then the entire order will ship when the last book is released, for most that means the comics will ship on July 7th when Issue #6 is released)
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #1 3rd Print has been released, immediate shipping or pickup (still a few copies left)
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #2 2nd Print has been released, has been released, immediate shipping or pickup (still a few copies left)
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #3 2nd Print Release date has been updated to June 23nd , all copies will be shipped or ready for pickup on June 23nd
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #4 2nd Print Released has been released, immediate shipping or pickup (still a few copies left)
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #5 1st Print (all versions) Release date has been updated to June 16th, all copies will be shipped or ready for pickup on June 16th
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #6 1st Print (all versions) Release date has been updated to July 7th , all copies will be shipped or ready for pickup on July 7th