Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point Pre-order Information

Well Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 was a sellout of the 1st print. the 2nd print has also sold out!! We had thought we ordered more than enough but there is extreme demand for this book and the code hidden within.
Knowing all this we have decided that for the next issues we are taking pre-orders to make sure we can supply the demand. The items below are now available for pre-order, click on the side menu "Batman Fortnite" to place orders
The Following is the release schedule for these:
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 2nd Print Released Date May 5th (Pre-orders sold out, limited copies remain for the shelves)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 3rd Print Released Date June 2nd (Pre-orders are due May 29)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #2 1st Print Released Date May 5th (Pre-orders sold out, limited copies remain for the shelves)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #2 2nd Print Released Date May 26th (Pre-orders Sold Out)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 1st Print Released Date May 19th (Pre-orders sold out, limited copies remain for the shelves)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 2nd Print Released Date June 2nd (Pre-orders due April 29)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #4 1st Print Released Date June 2nd (Pre-orders sold out, limited copies remain for the shelves)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #4 2nd Print Released Date TBD (Pre-orders now due)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #5 1st Print Released Date June 16th (Pre-orders due April 29)
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #6 1st Print Released Date July 7th (Pre-orders May 20th)