Dark Horse Presents #56 (1991) Aliens! Sin City's Marv! Next Men origin! DC Homage cover!


Cover by Frank Miller, John Byrne, Paul Guinan and Dave Johnson. DHP's third giant-sized annual promises to be the best one yet! Frank Miller's ongoing adventure series Sin City headlines this all-star issue, which also includes part three of the four-part introduction to The Next Men by John Byrne; a two-part prologue to Aliens: Genocide by writer John Arcudi and artists Tony Atkins and Paul Guinan (Terminator); "Eldgytha," a tale of medieval sex and savagery by Rick Geary (who also provides the issue with a stunning back cover); the wacky adventures of Cliff Biggers, Brett Brooks, and Dave Johnson's Earth Boys; a bizarre case from the private files of The Creep, by John Arcudi and Dale Eaglesham; and misguided sorcery in Jo Duffy and Jo Chacon's Fancies. This is one issue you can't afford to miss. Cover is a take-off on the old DC Comics "Eighty-Page Giant". This issue is a square-bound 68-page issue. Logo by Jim Spivey, Carolyn Megyesi and Jack Pollock.

Photo of the actual item represented.