DOOM 2099 #1 vol 1 (1993) Marvel Comics NM- Foil! First appearance of Doom 2099, Tiger Wylde
First appearance of Doom 2099, Tiger Wylde.
Foil cover.
In the year 2099 we see two Clan Zefiro Gypsies, Wire and Xandra, trying to sell some illegally obtained data on the streets of Antikva Vilago, Latveria. The deal is broken up when a guardsmen patrol hovercraft shoots the buyer and chases Wire and Xandra out into the wilderness.They seek refuge in the ruins of an old castle when they see a man, in a cloak and armored suit, suddenly appear in a flash of energy. The man speaks of being in pain and then looks around wondering what happened to his castle. That is when the guardsmen catch up to Wire and Xandra.The guardsmen tell all three to stand down. The mysterious man is angry at being told what to do. He asks, "Don't you know who I am?". He then blasts energy from his gauntlet, destroying the guardsmen, while shouting, "I am Doom!".After talking with Wire and Xandra, Doom seeks out the current ruler of Latveria, Tyger Wylde. Tyger Wylde is getting a Tarot reading by Fortune, another Clan Zefiro Gypsy, when Doom blasts his way in. Doom confronts Wylde, who doesn't believe Doom's claim to being former ruler of Latveria, and quickly finds his armor to be out of date technology.Wylde defeats Doom, badly injuring Doom's face in the process, and orders his henchman Zone to find out who sent this assumed assassin. Fortune claims that she will send the body of Doom to be investigated but instead she takes the body back to her gypsy camp, claiming the Tarot cards tell her he is valuable.Doom awakens in the gypsy camp. He strikes an alliance with the gypsies after learning they are Zefiro, just like him. Wire looks into how Doom's armor can be modernized and finds some prototype technology being created on an island run by the Pixel Corporation.Doom leads his gypsies to an aeroplane that he long ago hid in a mountain. They then fly to an island off the Peruvian Coast that is a secret Pixel research facility. They have an easy time getting inside because they discover someone else has recently broken in. None the less, they find...
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