Guardians of the Galaxy #8 vol 1 (1991) Marvel Comics - First cameo appearance RANCOR



First cameo appearance of RANCOR!

Down Time The guardians have to a face an internal subordination, when one of them rebels the orders and try to hijack the spaceship to follow the route of Faith.Meanwhile, they travel to Haven, last planet housing the descendants of the mutants fled from Earth, and actually ruled by a descendant of Wolverine from Earth-691.Far from the main actions, we see Malevolence meeting her undiscovered father, living on a planet engulfed by flames. And on the planet Stark, the dishonoured Taserface, now despoiled of his name, is saved from torture and dispatched to a radical reconstruction in order to regain the honour of the Stark population, and his name too.

Comic will come bagged and boarded.

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